Social Media Terms and Conditions

Social media allows us to engage with our customers on a unique level. We welcome friendly and informative conversations about us and our products and we want our page to be inclusive and respectful to all users. Your feedback (whether positive or negative) is highly valued and important to us to keep our brand relevant and appealing to all of our loyal customers.

To ensure this is a positive experience for all users, we have a few simple guidelines in place.

Please ensure any content you post on our social media pages:

  • is appropriate for an audience of all ages with different backgrounds
  • is respectful, and considerate of other points of view
  • does not contain your own or anyone else's personal, confidential or sensitive information: remember that anything you post is public unless you restrict your privacy settings via the social media platform.  Be privacy and security conscious for you and your friends and family.


The following content is not permitted on our social media pages:

  • content which is offensive, abusive, threatening, bullying, harassing, stalking, pornographic, violent or inciting violence, or contains inappropriate language or nudity
  • content which is defamatory, discriminatory, misleading or deceptive or otherwise illegal
  • content which infringes someone else’s intellectual property or other legal rights
  • content involving illicit substances, alcohol or other illegal activities. 
  • content which is in breach of the rules of the applicable social media website
  • content considered to be trolling, spam, advertising or link baiting (intentionally drawing users to another page or website)
  • Anything off topic or not relevant to Ever New Melbourne.

Ever New Melbourne will remove any content which it considers to be non-compliant with these terms and conditions.


Please note that user content doesn’t necessarily reflect our views, nor can we verify the accuracy of all user content posted on our social media pages.

Ever New Melbourne monitors its social media pages between Monday - Friday (8am - 4pm PDT/PST, excluding public holidays).  We do our best to keep Ever New Melbourne social media content safe and appropriate for all users, but we cannot guarantee it.  We aim to respond directly to as many posts as possible where a response is required. 

If you have a specific customer service issue you wish to raise directly with us, please call 1 (855) 383-7876; or send an email to:


Updated July 2019